Big Rocks

Have you heard the story about how to fill a jar with as many rocks as possible? Picture a large mason jar. Place as many large rocks into the jar as possible. The jar isn't full yet so add as many small rocks as you can. Now is it full? Nope - pour gravel into the jar. Now what if you reversed the order in which you filled the jar? Would you be able to fit as much if you had started with the gravel? Of course not. The big rocks would still be on the table. What's the point of all this talk about jars and rocks? Make sure you focus on the big rocks first. In this  "Big Rocks of Life" story, Stephen Covey encourages us to focus on first things first. To get the big rocks in the jar first, or you'll never get them all in. 

The big rocks are the most important factors. Taking care of them first makes all the difference. When you think about your goals and what you want to accomplish, first identify your 'big rocks' - the things that are the real change makers in your life. You'll get to the small rocks but only after you've figured out how to make those larger, foundation building changes. 

Last week my son and I were standing in line at Pink Berry, our fav place for frozen yoghurt. The woman in front of us ordered yoghurt for her daughter and her mom then asked if they had any sugar-free options for herself. When the answer was 'no' she opted not to have dessert but asked if she was allowed to smoke outside the closest mall entrance. She went to enjoy her cigarette while her family enjoyed their frozen yoghurt. Now I don't know this woman or her health history. But I would hazard a guess that the biggest rock to improving her overall health would be quitting smoking and that reducing her sugar intake (while a potential big rock for many of us) could come a little later. 

Big rocks folks, figure out your big rocks. The dressing on your lunch salad is probably not one of your big rocks but your sleep and hydration habits, your late afternoon snack, or skipping breakfast might be. Address your big rocks one at a time and set yourself up with a strong foundation to continue filling up your jar. 

In strength and love,





“Easy” Movement