Injury Report

My sports medicine doctor recently likened me to an overused car that needs regular maintenance. I was sitting in her office getting test results for a persistent injury while bringing up a new acute injury, both of us knowing that we are embarking on a long-term relationship with each other. 

My body is not broken. I'm not at war with it. We understand each other though. My body understands that I thrive on being active, adventurous and have a general curiosity for the world and all its possibilities. I understand that my body needs rest, good food, plenty of hydration and sometimes the care of acupuncturists, physiotherapy and massage. 

Right now my body is asking me to consider different forms of training. For a girl who loves to lift heavy and lift often, it's a big ask. But I'm also being reminded that there are many different ways to move and be active without working at my max effort. And of course I'm learning the value of active rest and recovery. As usual, my body knows what I need before I realize I need it. My job is to listen to her messages. 

In strength and love,



Community Strong

