Some love just for you

Days have been filled with virtual training sessions, childcare and many, many dog walks. Without a clear separation between home and work life, the last few months have made it harder to carve out solitary time.

I’m one of those extroverted introverts. I operate pretty well in social settings but I crave alone time. When I need to recharge, my go-to is a quiet afternoon with a good book. Preferably in a comfy chair outside with limited interruptions. It’s been a slow start to spring and I’m parenting constantly, so this scenario hasn’t happened often.

I love my kids. I’m loving these extra long days with them — mostly. But I also love and miss time on my own. I can manage workouts with them around and I love the reading circle time that has been happening more often around here. I have to make these moments happen because there’s something about a good workout and a good book that just makes me feel like me.

As an only child, I’m used to having lots of quiet time inside my own head. One of the pleasures of having a dog is the regular walk with time to reflect. It’s a little bit harder with two chatterboxes beside me for every walk. And again, I love their thoughts and silly jokes but I also love being inside my own head.

I miss me — just being with me.

So this weekend I’m determined to carve out some time, some space to just be on my own. Maybe I’ll wake up early and go for a walk and catch up on my favourite podcasts. Maybe I’ll stay up reading until 2am because that’s when the house is quiet. I just kicked the kids out to the backyard so I can write this and being along in my head never felt so good!

How are you remembering that you’re someone you love too? How are you making space to celebrate all that you love about you?

In strength and love,



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