Quick Fixes are not my thing

If you've been following me here, or on social media, or train with me in person then you know that I don't believe in quick fixes and fads. I've never promoted a "30 days to lose belly fat" or "12 week body transformation" type of challenge. I don't prescribe meal plans or talk about so-called 'bad foods'.

Instead I ask anyone who trains with me to trust the process. When we're in the middle of a tough circuit, I'll remind you to take it one exercise, one rep at a time. We work on developing one habit at a time and focusing on what we can control in the present. We can't change the meal that we had yesterday or the weeks we took off working out. All we can focus on is today. How can I make today's workout better? What cues can I focus on to improve my squat? How can I make this meal better? Can I add more vegetables or protein? How about a glass of bubbly water instead of a sugary drink?

People express frustration about the weight they haven't lost, the core strength that feels slow to develop. And I ask them to focus on the process -- one rep at a time, one step at a time, one meal at a time. Trust the process and you will reach the outcome you're looking to find.

In strength and love,



Some love just for you


Throw a Good Punch