Throw a Good Punch

I love a good AH-HA moment. Last week in the middle of a training session with my boxing coach, while dropping obscene amounts of sweat, I had an ah-ha. We were working on my left hook and Andrew was trying to get me to throw the punch with my elbow higher and further away from my body. At one point I stopped and said that I thought I shouldn't lift my arm that far away from my body because I'd be exposing too much of my left side, risking getting hit there. At this point Andrew stopped and said "you can always get hit no matter what punch you throw. Every time you throw a punch, you are exposing some part of yourself". Well damn. That idea has been ringing in my head ever since. You're always taking a chance that you'll get hit but you still take that chance. I have to focus on making my punches successful, not on what the other person might do.

Every time we 'put ourselves out there', take a chance, try something new we are always taking a risk. But that doesn't stop us from trying anyway. There will always be those people who question your decisions but you can't let them take the fight out of you. You can't let the criticism of others consume you - let your own ideas, passions and love consume you. Focus on being the best version of you -- keep throwing your best punches.

In strength and love,



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